5 tips to make sure workers are adequately trained

health and safety

Health and Safety Training is one area that you cannot afford to get wrong.

health and safetyEnsuring your staff are aware of the health and safety risks which can be found in their roles, and how they are supposed to manage those risks is essential for adequate training. It is important that employers take it upon themselves to ensure staff are trained to avoid themselves or anyone else coming to any harm Firstly you should undertake a risk assessment to establish where your training needs lie. Often people find that this process identifies hazards which would be best controlled by staff training, either in place of other controls or alongside them. You can then work out whether the training would be best given on the job (for example, in relation to using machinery), in a classroom (perhaps in relation to theory) or as a mixture of both. Keeping training records of who has received which training and when will help to identify when refresher training is needed. Also check with staff after the training has been given to ensure that they understood it, and that it was suitable for their needs. Using the feedback given can help you to plan your next training sessions. You should ensure that training is carried out by competent people who understand the nature of the hazards involved. For complex procedures it is advantageous to provide written instructions for workers to refer back to. Lastly always consider staff training requirements when new work conditions arise or the environment changes. Training should be ongoing if new equipment is introduced, people change jobs or work is done outside rather than inside. If you require more assistance on Health and Safety in the workplace Walker Health and Safety Services are specialists in their field.

More information can be found at www.walkersafety.co.uk

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